If any of these describe you, you are in the
right place

I am a brick and mortar retailer trying to determine which of my product displays are actually driving sales
I am a business owner wanting to understand my in-store foot traffic patterns to better manage my customer experience
I am an academic institution or city office needing to monitor occupancy levels in my buildings

Fixture Design

Test new products, try out different fixtures + display designs, and leverage those granular shopper insights to drive more sales. All backed by the power of data and 100% privacy safe.

Brand Recognition

The point-of-purchase is where brand recognition matters most. Whether you’re a category front-runner or an up-and-coming disruptor, know how your brand is resonating with people through the most valuable metric there is – their attention.

Academic Institutions Applications

Students are a busy bunch. Between juggling class schedules, extracurricular activties, work, and other obligations – they must become expert time managers. They also need to prioritize their health and wellness.


This is why inReality is partnering with top universities to bring our industry-leading, privacy-safe technology into campus dining facilities across the country.


Our foot traffic counter + data platform provides real-time information on occupancy levels, so students can plan their mealtimes to work with their busy schedules.

Public Office Applications

“I’ll swing by the DMV/post office on my lunch” they said. “It’ll only take a few minutes” they said.
Don’t be the 47th person in line.
Don’t be at the mercy of sloth worker.

Why inReality’s Engagement Tracker?


Our industry-leading technology supplies the crucial insights for understanding and optimizing in-store product engagement. Our sensors and software are easy to install and everything syncs seamlessly within our secure cloud platform.


inReality retail technology does not rely on any technology associated with consumer privacy risk – like cameras or phone data. By using our radar-based products, your patrons’ privacy is always protected and any associated legal risk is removed.


As opposed to the stereoscopic cameras our competitors use, inReality products are 100% radar-based. Because our materials cost less to produce (yet are equally effective), we are able to pass along those cost savings to our retail partners.

inReality's Retail Analytics platform simplifies measuring
traffic and engagement at key points of decision.