How retail operations use analytics to minimize queue wait times
Application Overview
Store Operations
Measure and decrease queue lengths
Long queue lengths can cause shoppers to abandon their cart and have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. Understanding queue lengths by day of week and time of day help improve staff planning.
Mount the sensor either above the queue or on a nearby wall. Connect to a local wifi network or use a cellular modem. Queue length and average dwell time is reported and can be used for better planning. Optionally, with the Pro Plus plan, sales staff can be alerted via overhead audio or messaging in Real-Time to take action.
Top 4 reasons for monitoring queue lengths
Lower Abandonment
Don’t lose customers because of long wait times – as much as 1 in 3 will leave if queue lengths exceed 5 minutes.
Increase Customer Satisfaction
by minimizing queue lengths and wait times, increasing customer loyalty.
Improve Staffing Levels
by using actual average wait times to inform decisions around staffing levels of associates, queues to open, by time-of-day and day-of-week.
Flex Open Registers on Demand
Enable real-time notification of queues exceeding pre-defined thresholds to alert staff that register lanes should be opened
Why inReality’s Engagement Tracker?
There is no simpler, more cost effective, sensor that provides this depth of insight in the market today
Built on industry leading cloud platform providing a secure and manageable way to access your data