With technology rapidly evolving, especially in retail analytics, privacy is at many times the last thing on many companies’ minds. Here at inReality, we make privacy a forefront of our business, maintaining privacy is one of our pillars and main goals. inReality holds consumer trust and privacy as a high priority. With the interdisciplinary, systems engineering approach, we fulfill the demands of privacy management throughout our solution. This approach is known as the privacy by design approach and spans:

InReality Platform was designed with a “privacy by design” approach as a top priority. We consider certain ethics and values and offer a set of rules and regulations in the initial stage of the design process.
Principles of Privacy by Design Approach
The seven principles of privacy that we, at inReality, incorporate into our products and solutions for preserving the privacy of the users are:
1. Proactive not reactive; preventive, not remedial
Our privacy practice includes preventing and minimizing all the possible risks that can breach privacy. With that said, we ensure to actively build processes to support a preventative approach to privacy.
2. Privacy as the default setting
Users do not need to worry about the privacy settings. We have automatically set the privacy settings to offer the highest level of protection.
3. Privacy embedded into the design
While designing any product, we ensure to include privacy in the design. Our privacy-first mindset enables us to promote privacy without ignoring the functionality of our products.
4. Full functionality—positive-sum, not zero-sum
Each of our products and solutions are designed with a privacy-first mindset. Rather than promoting a zero-sum attitude, we integrate privacy into every design seamlessly holding a positive-sum attitude throughout our engineering processes.
5. End-to-end security—full lifecycle protection
We ensure that the security of the data of our users is encrypted end to end throughout the entire lifecycle. That way, we keep your data confidential and true to its original form with our security best practices.
6. Visibility and transparency – keep it open
To build trust and accountability with our users we keep everything transparent and open to our users. We document, share and communicate actions clearly and transparently.
7. Respect for user privacy—keep it user-centric.
Keeping the user’s interest in mind, we provide the necessary features and safeguards to protect their privacy concerns.
Privacy Features In Our Retail Analytics Platform
We designed and maintained our technology to meet both GDPR and CCPA requirements. With a privacy-by-design approach and camera-free option, we offer full privacy to shoppers and employees at all times. Besides, our privacy practice includes that no mobile tracking occurs, no images are stored and all operations are processed on edge. We do not collect any personally identifiable information while adhering to our privacy practices.